Not Covered By Workers' Compensation? What To Know

Workers' compensation insurance is standard at most jobs. Only very small companies are not required to provide this form of insurance coverage to employees. However, some workers can find out that their injury is not covered by the insurer. Find out what this means and what to do by reading below.

When Your Employer Fails to Support You

No matter how long you might have worked for your employer, they may view your work injury with a negative eye. In some cases, a hurt worker means an increase in workers' comp insurance premiums and more training for employees. In other cases, your employer may not appreciate having to make do with one less worker.

Even if your employer does not appear to be on your side, though, you have rights when it comes to work injuries and those rights are backed up by federal law. Your employer may need a gentle nudge in the right direction to get them to cooperate with your workers' compensation claim. In most cases, a letter from a workers' comp lawyer educating your company on what could happen if they don't support your claim is all that is necessary.

When the Insurer Won't Approve Your Claim

Claim forms should be turned in as soon as possible after a work injury. However, some workers experience a denial once the claim is evaluated. The reasons for denying a claim vary from minor issues that can be fixed to more troubling ones. If the issue is something major like any of the below, speak to a workers' compensation lawyer:

  • Allegations of being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. Unfortunately, even those with legal prescriptions may be targeted in this manner.
  • Not following safety protocols. Even if rules were ignored, you may be eligible for benefits.
  • Allegations that the accident was not related to the job. The accident doesn't have to happen on company property for it to be covered.
  • Issues with preexisting conditions. Many preexisting conditions make no difference in your coverage, especially those that had nothing to do with the accident and your current situation.

And more.

Take Action and Get Help

Don't let your employer or the workers' compensation insurer get away with squashing your claim for benefits. There is a lot on the line. You might be eligible for medical treatment coverage, partial disability payments, and potentially, a settlement. Speak to a workers' compensation lawyer and learn more about your rights and fighting against claim denials.

About Me

Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney For Help

Hiring an attorney may seem scary to some people, but when you are involved in an accident that wasn't your fault, you need an accident and personal injury attorney for representation. When I fell at a department store, I injured my leg and in addition to medical bills, I was unable to work for several months. I was scared to hire an attorney, but after my brother talked me into calling one, I'm sure glad that I did. My name is Louisa and I wanted to spread the word to others about hiring an attorney if they become injured because of negligence. In my blog, you'll learn about the process of hiring an attorney and how they can help you get lost wages and medical compensation.
