Final Dispositions: How To Settle Your DUI Case

Those arrested for almost anything usually want things to be over with as soon as possible. Especially when it's a driving under the influence (DUI) case, the effects of a DUI arrest may be extremely disruptive. The way things settle depends on your criminal history and the details of your case. Read on to learn more about the ways your case could finally be over.

Enter a Plea Bargain

Plea bargains are common but are not always a good idea for those arrested. If you are offered a deal, be sure to talk to a DUII attorney before you plead guilty and accept the sentencing. When you accept a deal, no trial occurs and you go before the judge to be sentenced almost right away. It can be extremely difficult to determine how good the deal is without professional legal help, however. Keep in mind that you always have the right to a trial if you don't accept the plea deal.

The Charges Are Dropped

Once your lawyer reviews the evidence, things might change. In fact, the mere presence of a private attorney now handling your case could create changes that result in your charges being dropped. That is because sometimes, the state doesn't have enough evidence to convict you if things go to trial. Also, they may not want to make some things public like misbehavior by law enforcement. When it comes to putting on a trial and getting a conviction, the evidence has to be good and reasonable cause for the stop and other moves have to be present. Any issue with any of those things will weaken the state's case against you and result in the charges being dismissed or reduced.

Go To Court

Finally, all of those arrested have the right to take their cases to court. It's more expensive and can take more time but if you have a good case and your lawyer agrees with you, taking a case to court could result in a not guilty verdict and vindicate you entirely. Keep in mind that the time before the trial begins, discovery can take some time and your lawyer may continue to work with the state to create a plea deal that helps everyone win.

If you have been arrested and charged with DUI, your case stands on the evidence the state has against you. Don't assume they have what is needed to convict you. Speak to a DUI attorney to find out more.

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Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney For Help

Hiring an attorney may seem scary to some people, but when you are involved in an accident that wasn't your fault, you need an accident and personal injury attorney for representation. When I fell at a department store, I injured my leg and in addition to medical bills, I was unable to work for several months. I was scared to hire an attorney, but after my brother talked me into calling one, I'm sure glad that I did. My name is Louisa and I wanted to spread the word to others about hiring an attorney if they become injured because of negligence. In my blog, you'll learn about the process of hiring an attorney and how they can help you get lost wages and medical compensation.
