Auto Accident Attorney: 3 Types Of Evidence Needed When Seeking Compensation For Scarring

With the tremendous force involved with two or more vehicles colliding, most car accident scenes look like an explosion of metal, glass, and other materials. It's not uncommon for injuries to be severe enough to leave a permanent scar. Fortunately, your auto accident attorney can seek compensation for the emotional duress and stress caused by the scars. They can also seek compensation for the medications and medical treatments that are needed to get rid of the scar. However, they'll need to present a strong case on your behalf. This article will look at 3 types of evidence you can provide your attorney to help strengthen your case. 

Police Reports Proving How the Accident Inflicted the Injury for the Scar

If you have a scar from the accident, there's a good chance that it came from a gruesome and severe injury. To show the court just how painful the injury was, provide police reports that document the police officer's perspective of the accident. The police report will clearly outline how the injury was inflicted, as well as how severe the injury was at the time of the accident. For example, the police report might note that the scar on your arm came from a piece of broken glass that embedded itself in your arm during the accident. 

Medical Reports Documenting Past and Future Treatments and Medications

Not only can you seek compensation for non-economic losses, like emotional duress and pain suffered, but you can also seek compensation for economic losses, which are actual, measurable losses that resulted from the accident. Medical reports can give the court some insight as to the type of medical treatments and medications you've tried to get rid of the scarring. It can also provide insight into the likelihood of the scar fading in the future, and the type of future medications and medical treatments that are needed for that to happen. 

Photographs Showing Before and After

No two scars are valued the same. The visibility of the scar, your gender and your age will also play a huge factor in determining just how much non-economic compensation you should be entitled to. To remind the court just how much the scar might affect your overall aesthetics, it's wise to provide a visual comparison. Bring photographs of yourself before the accident to give the court a good idea of how you looked like before the accident. You can also use the photographs to show the type of attire that you previously enjoyed wearing. If you now need to abstain from wearing certain clothes in an attempt to hide the scar, this fact should also be taken into consideration, as it shows that the scar has decreased and interrupted your quality of living. 


When seeking compensation for scars that have been inflicted from an auto accident, speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Gauging the value of a scar can be difficult, so your attorney will need to build a strong and convincing case. Check out websites like for more information.

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Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney For Help

Hiring an attorney may seem scary to some people, but when you are involved in an accident that wasn't your fault, you need an accident and personal injury attorney for representation. When I fell at a department store, I injured my leg and in addition to medical bills, I was unable to work for several months. I was scared to hire an attorney, but after my brother talked me into calling one, I'm sure glad that I did. My name is Louisa and I wanted to spread the word to others about hiring an attorney if they become injured because of negligence. In my blog, you'll learn about the process of hiring an attorney and how they can help you get lost wages and medical compensation.
